Spring transition clothing is here!

Nike N7 Seven Peaks Jacquard Robe by Pendleton

  • Nike 7 Peaks Jacquard Robe by Pendleton - Pendleton rocks! The 7 Peaks Blanket is Pendleton's partnership with Nike's N7 Fund, a trust whose mission is to bring sports to Native American and Aboriginal communities in the US and Canada.

    This wool blanket reverses for a positive/negative visual effect, with a black base on one side and white on the other. The result is a distinctive, monochromatic look. Seven peaks represent the quest to meet life's goals.

    Three peaks at each end of the blanket are created by interlocking arrows to convey movement and balance. The blanket's center holds the seventh peak, represented by three arrows pointing back to signify past generations, three arrows pointing forward to signify future generations, and arrows in the center to represent the current generation. Building on the past, growing in the present, and succeeding in the future, the seven peaks form a path to rise and succeed.

    Created exclusively for the American Indian College Fund, a nonprofit organization that helps fund scholarships for Native American students and tribal colleges. Your purchase helps support their honorable mission.

    Fabric is unnapped and left uncombed for sharper pattern definition. Pure virgin wool/cotton with whipstitch binding. Fabric woven in US mills. 80" x 64." (twin size) Price includes $10 for shipping of this heavy bulky item.

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