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A. Lovato Running Horses Cuff

  • Tufa-Cast Running Horses Cuff with smaller Kingman Turquoise Stone  by Anthony Lovato - Master tufa-cast jewelry maker Anthony Lovato is father to the Pajarito sons and makes beautiful meaningful pieces from the Native tradition with significant symbology that make us feel part of history when we wear them. Cuff is 1" tall and opening gap is a hair over 1-1/2" and it can be opened or closed further depending upon your wrist size. Two horses playfully chase each other over the single pale blue Kingman turquoise simply set round stone that measures 3/8". Inscribed buffalo are on the inside. Petit point sterling balls across the top. Creatively invented and fabricated in New Mexico, USA. (See the other horse bracelet made by Joel Pajarito, without the balls along the rim, and a second one like this one, made by Anthony, but with a larger turquoise stone)

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