Spring transition clothing is here!

J. Pajarito Running Horses Cuff

  • Tufa-Cast Running Horses Cuff with Kingman Turquoise Stone by Joel Pajarito - Joel blends a mixture of contemporary and traditional styles, using a wide variety of stones. His imagery includes horses, petroglyphs, corn, and butterflies. The whole Lovato family makes beautiful meaningful pieces from the Native tradition with significant symbology that make us feel part of history when we wear them. Cuff is 1-1/8" wide. Two horses and a moon or sun face the single true blue Kingman turquoise simply-set round stone. A hand and corn are on the other side. On the inside are more motifs: corn, raincloud, dots. Creatively invented and fabricated in New Mexico, USA. (See the other horse bracelet made by Anthony Lovato, with petit point balls along the rim)

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